Highlights for IRG1 (2017-2023)

Rearrangements and Softness in Disordered Solids

Predicting the Softness of Glasses from Thermodynamics
Paulo Arratia and Robert Riggleman (University of Pennsylvania)
Understanding Deformation in Disordered Materials
Robert Riggleman, Douglas Durian and Andrea Liu, University of Pennsylvania
Toughening Infiltrated Nanoparticle Packings: Role of Bridging and Entanglement
Kevin Turner, Daeyeon Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Uncovering the Surprising Nature of Glassy Energy Landscapes
John C. Crocker (CBE) and Robert A. Riggleman (CBE), University of Pennsylvania
The Perpetual Fragility of Creeping Hillslopes
Douglas J. Jerolmack, Paulo E. Arratia, & Robert A. Riggleman
Interaction Range Can be Tuned to Control Failure Mode in a Model Experimental Disordered Solid
Douglas J. Durian, Andrea J. Liu, and Robert A. Riggleman, University of Pennsylvania
Scaling relationship between microstructure and relaxation in cyclic sheared 2D disordered colloids
Paulo E. Arratia & Arjun Yodh, University of Pennsylvania
Formation of Stable and Hierarchical Particle Aggregates by “Solid Bridging”
A. Seiphoori, X-G Ma, P.E. Arratia, D. Jerolmack, University of Pennsylvania
Mechanical Properties of Disordered Packings Under Confinement
H. Wang, Y. Qiang, A. A. Shamsabadi, P. Mazumder, K. T. Turner, D. Lee, Z. Fakhraai, University of Pennsylvania
Machine Learning & Softness: Characterizing local structure and rearrangements in disordered solids
Paulo E. Arratia & Douglas J. Durian, University of Pennsylvania
Universal Signatures of Plasticity in a Wide Range of Disordered Solids
P.E. Arraita, R.W. Carpick, D.J. Durian, Z. Fakhraai, D. Lee, A.J. Liu, R. Riggleman, K.T. Turner, A.G. Yodh