Stoney’s British Pub
3007 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE

“How will Climate Change Change the Chemical Industry?”
The recently concluded U. N. Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) in Paris brought together over 150 nations seeking solutions to the predicted dire consequences of global warming. Increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG), – most notably CO2 from fossil carbon sources,- are generally recognized as being responsible for the rapidly rising temperatures worldwide. Therefore these nations have pledged to reduce future CO2 emissions by 50-70% by 2050. These commitments, – if adhered to, – will dramatically impact all industries that currently use fossil carbon feedstocks, not only the energy production industries, but also those chemical industries that rely heavily on petroleum-based feedstocks.
While these impending environmentally-driven restrictions may be regarded negatively by some in the chemicals industry, breakthrough scientific advances in biology and agriculture are now occurring. These are providing opportunities for the chemicals industries to transition smoothly to bio-based feedstocks and renewable chemicals that have minimal environmental consequences, and might even be positive in the fight against GHG-induced climate change.